I Hear The Sounds of Reward In Heaven
My friend Josh Olsen shared this with me and I had to visit the blog and link to it. Lois was ordinary...just like Jesus...there was nothing about her ministry that the religioneers would love it. God loves to use the ordinary. You and I have great odds of being used by HIM. Love your ordinariness because HE loves it. Do you have a basement? A porch? A back yard BBQ? Read on!
There was a high magnitude quake in the evangelistic spiritual realm over Chicago today. At its epicenter was the passing away of one of the finest evangelists I have ever known.
I first heard the name of Lois Peterson disdainfully–almost as if the speaker was spitting. She was not popular among the old guard at my church....
Yet it was the power of God. I would estimate that thousands of seekers found what they sought in that basement. From the ranks of druggies and addicts sprang forth pastors and missionaries and church leaders. A race of grace-oriented newbies populated churches and filled Sunday school classes throughout the land. The number of pastors who first met Jesus in Lois’ class has to be in the dozens.
After Lois finished teaching, it was time to “move in.” That meant that us veterans would strike up a conversation with strangers at our table, and–sipping coffee, and breathing their tar and nicotine–gently open a door to Jesus. Okay, sometimes not so gently. We did what we had to do: ardent for Jesus, and I must confess, for the smile and approval of Lois.
There was not a church in town that didn’t have some of Lois’ converts helping out in ministry. How the devil hated her. Week after week, somebody “got saved”–a phrase I still use and always will, even though our postmodern friends don’t like it. I want people to get saved, and if your ministry doesn’t get people saved, it isn’t Christian.
Read it all here.
Labels: Modern Day Saints
I've found a militant atheist if you want to try and help him; he's at:
GBWY, James
Great Blog.
I've found a militant atheist if you want to try and help him; he's at:
GBWY, James
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