Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pray For Asbury Seminary

From: Communications Office

To: Announcements

Subject: Message from the President about financial challenge

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Christian greetings to our greater Asbury family!

As you have learned from the February 5, 2007, memo from our seminary Board of Trustees, Asbury faces a significant financial challenge. The President's Leadership Steering Team, the body with which I work directly in guiding our seminary, is now able to give you some of the background data with which we have been working for some time.

Two primary factors have brought about the present situation. 1) We are in the second year of a downward trend in enrollment, which means a major loss in income, even though the percentage is relatively small. Most seminaries are dealing with the same problem, but because of our size, the figures are more significant. 2) We are experiencing a projected decline of as much as 33% in the giving that funds the operating budget. Though this percentage is large, the actual dollar amount is far less than our loss in tuition income.

This is a serious challenge, but one that can be solved. We are already well underway in the development of a process and a plan to deal with these issues -- a plan that will address both short-term needs and long-term efficiencies. I am proud of the dedication and the professional skills that our leaders are bringing to this challenge. As these changes unfold, we will be on more solid footing than ever, God helping us.

Because this is your school, and you love it, we intend to keep you as informed as possible in the weeks ahead.

J. Ellsworth Kalas


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