Reverend Bob During His Nazarite Vow
Thans Kari & Eric for Uncovering this lost footage.
We are Intercessory Missionaries and it is our sincere desire to lead believers into lives of deep passionate prayer and from that place to see their lives, families, business, and ministries flourish. This is a place to pursue prayer and intimacy with God through His Son Jesus Christ and communion with the Holy Spirit. Feel free to share your comments.
Man. I don't know what the problem was. That dude look pretty stinkin' sweet to me. I'd have promoted him instead of firing him.
This has to be in the top for funny commercials! Makes me laugh!
You have now given me cause to increase my intercession for you!
Dear Mr Fur-gus-son,
My name is Wells Mandrake and I contact you today on behalf of my client and close friend "The Most Reverend Bob".
Reverend Bob was ah-gast at your flip-ant use-age of his good and honorable name in this shameless bloggo post!
On behalf of my client Reverend Bob I ask that you stoppeth immediately any further use-age of my client's good and proper name.
This tasteless jock-u-lar-ity will no longer be tall-e-rated.
Mr Wells Mandrake (Attorney at Law)
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