Saturday, February 03, 2007

Watch Our Youtube The Christians R Coming!

It was only a matter of time before someone thought we needed a God Tube to compete with Youtube. It is probably a great idea video blogging and media is the powerful medium of the day. This is a brand new site and could probably use an infussion of creative videos. Join the site and post your stuff. Yet it would be wise to post on both Youtube and Godtube...because you probably heard about GodTube here first and that means most people still think YouTube first.
I am yearning for the day when the Church will lead the world with creative ideas rather than simply "copy" what the world does. Lord give ideas, dreams, and vision to believers to harness the power of technology for your Kingdom purposes. click here


At 7:24 AM, Blogger reallyniceday said...

I started scrolling down the videos posted and when I got to the puppet show videos I thought, "How stupid can we be and still breathe?" God is creative not a copier. If I were a non-christian (and actually as a christian) I think this is a really lame idea. Gong.

At 5:28 AM, Blogger ChriS & Yvette Ferguson said...


I am not sure how you "feel" about this will you be signing up? Just kidding! I agree the Christian and "Cheese Ball" are far too often synomous in our world.

Jesus infuse your church with CREATIVITY.The creative uncreated God who made all things and upholds all things...breath creativity into your church. Revive the arts and grant divine business ideas to your people.

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The site is in beta format and is receiving uploads from various users. It seems that the site is growing with a larger variety of clips.
The reality appears to me to be that GodTube gives the church a place to LEARN how to use technology to advance the kingdom.
Sideline criticism is not helpful from those who won't join the team
Make GodTube better upload a qualitiy clip.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger ChriS & Yvette Ferguson said...


I agree with your premise that GodTube is in beta. I also put it up to help it go viral. As for posting more content go for it. Yet I would post on both sites.

If you are apart of the team at GT then you should be grateful for the feedback because in Business "Perception is Reality".

A cursory look in the blogging world reveals that many Christians feel the look of GT is a cheap copy of YouTube. Rather than go defensive; you should go creative. Make it better than Youtube in terms of artistic appearance and user interface.


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